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Dawn of new era as Jessop lifts Trophy.

HUDDERSFIELD & District Ladies Bowling League held the Fred Pestall Trophy at Marsh Utd on Sunday, August 11.

Congratulations to Dawn Jessop (Jackson Bridge) for her deserved victory over Wendy Edgar (Paddock C&BC) in a thrilling final. There were good displays of bowling from all players on the day and Dawn made a fantastic comeback in the final. Special thanks go to Marsh Utd BC for hosting the event, as well as the players, supporters and committee.

QUARTER FINALS S. Hallas beat J. Brook 21-14 D. Jessop beat E. Bell 21-17 K. Longley beat C. Collier 21-19 W. Edgar beat D. Firth 21-19 SEMI FINALS D. Jessop beat S. Hallas 21-11 W. Edgar beat K. Longley 21-16 FINAL D. Jessop beat W. Edgar 21-13


Cath Townend, president, Dawn Jessop, winner, and Tracey Singleton, secretary

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Publication:Huddersfield Daily Examiner (Huddersfield, England)
Date:Aug 24, 2019
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