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Dame Shirley lines up celebratory visit; NEWS IN BRIEF.

DAME Shirley Bassey looks set to visit the capital in 2013 to coincide with the anniversary of her 60 years in showbusiness.

Earlier this year, the council announced the Girl from Tiger Bay, pictured right, was to receive the Freedom of the City of Cardiff.

The legendary 75-year-old will be the 61st person to be bestowed with the honour since 1886, and the first for six years.

In a written question at this month's full council meeting, council leader Heather Joyce was asked what progress had been made on bestowing the honour.

She said the authority was liaising with Dame Shirley and her management about potential dates for a celebratory visit in 2013 to coincide with her 60 years in the music industry.

"We hope to be able to confirm the date and associated arrangements in the New Year," Coun Joyce said.
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Publication:South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales)
Date:Dec 19, 2012
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