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DOCTOR WHO?; Babylon 5 star off the sci-fi trek.

RICHARD Biggs, star of the sci-fi show Babylon 5, admits he has no interest in tales of outer space.

The actor who plays Dr Franklin told Mega Mirror in an exclusive interview that he hasn't even watched a full episode of Star Trek before.

"If I start reading a sci-fi book or watching a TV show, I always find myself getting distracted," he admits.

Here's what else he revealed about Babylon 5 - which is back on Channel 4 for a third series tomorrow.

Q WHAT'S the difference between Babylon 5 and Star Trek?

A I THINK Babylon 5 has a more realistic vision of the future. The stories don't always have happy endings, just like real life.

QWHAT IS Dr Franklin like?

AHE IS very driven and committed to saving lives - he doesn't have much time for anything else.

One of the great things about playing Dr Franklin is he's human, so I don't have to wear make-up.

I feel sorry for actors who have to spend two hours in make-up before we start shooting and then have to wear it all day in the heat.

QIS THERE a good atmosphere behind the scenes?

AYeah, there are no real egos. Bruce (Boxleitner) is the star but he doesn't act like one. We all fool around. The set is a few miles away from the Warner film lot, so we are pretty much left to get on with it.

Mega Mirror is bringing you a great Babylon 5 competition. Courtesy of Warner Home Video we have 20 copies of Babylon 5 Vols 10 and 11 up for grabs. The first 10 correct entries out of the hat will also win the book Creating Babylon 5.

To enter, just tell us what is Babylon 5? Is it a) a self-sufficient space station, or b) the name of a planet.

Send your answers on a postcard to: Mega Mirror, Babylon 5 Comp - at our usual address.
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Title Annotation:Features
Author:Parker, Fiona
Publication:The Mirror (London, England)
Date:Apr 13, 1996
Previous Article:JUST BOOTIFUL, SOL.
Next Article:WIN your knight with Star Wars.

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