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CrossTec Corp.

CrossTec Corp. has released the latest version of its Security Center information management software. Activeworx Security Center version 3.0 offers information technology security managers a variety of new features, including a quicker and more reliable way to verify if a security event is a genuine system threat.

The Boca Raton, Fla.-based company says the new correlation engine in Activeworx 3.0 adds intelligent automation to the Activeworx Event Framework by using simple flow chart symbols to create complex rules that have the ability to correlate against existing data and additional events. When a suspect event is detected in one device's log file, the software takes action based on those rules to check other security information in the system, making sure that the event is a real threat. It also has the ability to group events with commonalities, such as those involved in "brute force" attacks--a method of defeating a cryptographic scheme by trying a large number of possibilities--into a single event with more in-depth information.

"This added intelligence saves information security personnel time, making it easier to determine if they need to take immediate action," says Jeff Richards, vice president of security sales at CrossTec Corp. "Previously, the end-user would have to manually go through the process of verifying the system threat. Now, the correlation engine goes through those steps automatically."

The graphical flow chart format and new desktop setting make version 3.0 intuitive and easy to use. Version 3.0 also offers additional device support for multiple new security applications and devices.

The price for Activeworx Security Center software starts at $2,500. Add-on modules collect, normalize, correlate and analyze data from virtually any security device, the company says. The Activeworx Event Framework recognizes event data from a wide variety of vendor devices. Activeworx supplies detailed security alerts, necessary reports for investigations and regulatory compliance and forensics tools.


Material for this column has been developed in most cases from promotional material supplied by the companies, which have not paid to appear.
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Publication:Financial Executive
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Jun 1, 2006
Previous Article:OpenPages.
Next Article:Symantec Corp.

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