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Crackdown after spate of antisocial behaviour.

PARENTS have been warned that they must know what their children are doing or they could suffer consequences after an outbreak of antisocial behaviour. North Tyneside Council and Northumbria Police are working together to tackle the problem in the Killingworth and Forest Hall areas.

It comes after a string of alleged incidents in the area, which included a woman being hit with a bottle in Lakeside Park.

In a bid to tackle the problem, police and council officers visited 18 homes in the area to hand parents enforcement letters, which included telling them they could be evicted or that their child had been involved in a recent incident.

Sgt James Brady, of Killingworth's neighbourhood policing team, said: "It has been going on for a little while and we have been trying to work in partnership with the council to try to tackle those issues.

"So what we have done is visit a number of addresses of those who have been identified and the council is issuing notices to the address in relation to the behaviour that has been going on.

"In relation to that, we are also investigating a number of antisocial behaviour incidents that have occurred.

"My team are interviewing juveniles who are voluntary attenders out of some of those incidents."

Sgt Brady added: "It's a bit about education, but it is getting to the point where we are having to do a lot more of the enforcement side of things.

"If people who have been identified for antisocial behaviour refuse to come in as a voluntary attender then they will be arrested and we will deal with them."

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Publication:The Journal (Newcastle, England)
Date:May 1, 2019
Next Article:Plans are submitted for a 900-home community.

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