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Counterfeit trio are facing trial.

THREE men have denied plotting to sell counterfeit tobacco.

Salar Hassan-Latif, Saman Nabi and Bryiar Maghdid-Hammad, from Middlesbrough, pleaded not guilty to three conspiracy charges.

First they denied conspiring to sell, expose for sale or distribute counterfeit cigarettes and tobacco.

Secondly, they denied conspiring to supply tobacco products which did not carry combined health warnings.

Finally, they pleaded not guilty to a charge of conspiring to supply dangerous products in the short hearing at Teesside Crown Court.

They are accused of taking part in the conspiracies with two other people on or about May 11 last year. All three were bailed and their trial is scheduled to start on December 18.

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Publication:Sunday Sun (Newcastle, England)
Date:Aug 18, 2019
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