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Corporate Bowls League receives assistance.

Rossmund Bowling Club has received a N$15000 sponsorship from Bank Windhoek to assist the Club in hosting the Corporate Bowls League, which will in turn raise funds to host the African States Tournament. The League will run over either a six or seven week period which already started on 21 February.

"We are grateful for the sponsorship which will assist us in making it possible to host the African States Tournament in Windhoek, from 8 to 14 September 2013. Bowling is still a very small sport code that needs support to grow to the level of other major sport codes in Namibia," said David Gibbons, Captain of the Rossmund Bowls Club and Vice President of the Namibian Bowling Association.

Namibia came second to South Africa in last year's African States Tournament held in South Africa, where seven countries contested for the championship title. At last year's World Bowls Tournament held in Australia, Namibia came 11th out of the 24 countries that competed in the Men's League.

"Bank Windhoek was impressed with the performance of Namibian bowling at the regional and international sport competitions, and have for this reason decided to sponsor the Rossmund Bowls Club to host the Corporate Bowling League to raise funds to host the African States Tournament in Namibia this year", said Paul Schrader, Branch Manager of the Swakopmund Bank Windhoek Branch.

The Rossmund Bowling Club is an active member of the Namibian Bowling Association, which is a recognised and registered sports body with the Namibian Sports Commission and the Namibia National Olympic Committee, as well as the World Bowls Association.


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Title Annotation:Sport
Publication:Namibia Economist (Windhoek, Namibia)
Geographic Code:6NAMI
Date:Mar 1, 2013
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