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Cops probe UKIP candidate's rape tweet to MP.

POLICE are investigating UKIP candidate Carl Benjamin over his notorious rape comments about Labour MP Jess Phillips.

The party's would-be Euro MP for South West England tweeted a message telling her: "I wouldn't even rape you."

He later added: "I've been in a lot of trouble for my hardline stance of not even raping her. I suppose with enough pressure I might cave.

"But let's be honest, nobody's got that much beer."

The MP for Birmingham Yardley says she broke down in tears when told. "I felt the enormous weight of years and years and years of abuse," she said. "This man had made a career out of harassing me."

West Midlands Police now say they have received a report of "malicious communication" and have begun an investigation into whether an offence has been committed.

Mr Benjamin, who has a following on YouTube under the name Sargon of Akkad, says he will not "apologise for my crimes against political correctness" and UKIP have refused to drop him as a candidate for the poll on May 23.

Party leader Gerard Batten said: "I condemn all jokes about rape. I have told Carl to keep to the serious political issues."

Ms Phillips, a frequent target of online trolls, is proposing a lifetime ban from elected office for people who promote rape and violence.


NO APOLOGY Carl Benjamin

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Publication:The Mirror (London, England)
Date:May 8, 2019
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