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Congestion charge is highway robbery; Get in touch - tell us what you think Email: [email protected] Twitter: @birminghammail Facebook: Post: Birmingham Mail, 60 Church Street, Birmingham B3 2DJ.

Congestion charge is highway robbery BIRMINGHAM's proposed congestion charges are nothing short of highway robbery in my opinion, where the motorist once again is seen as the cash cow for incompetent traffic management and greedy grabbing councillors.

If the city centre wants to attract shoppers then it needs a car friendly environment, not a congestion charge. We need more trees as well, not the axe-happy chappies who are chopping down anything that sheds a leaf. We need a proper policy on blockpaving and almost insane concreting of every blade of grass that has the audacity to poke its head above the kerb.

I do not think that it is any more tax that is needed, but rather a better-managed council. Birmingham resident, by email

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Publication:Birmingham Mail (England)
Article Type:Letter to the editor
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Jul 9, 2018
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