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ConCom launches federalism drive.

By Minerva BC Newman

Dumaguete City - The Consultative Committee (ConCom) held its first Regional Consultation of the Proposed Federal Constitution Monday at the Negros Oriental Convention Center in this city, with its members taking turns explaining the benefits of shifting to a federal government.

"This time around, you'll get the experience of good governance you deserve," said Prof. Edmund Tayao, a ConCom member who talked about the federative region.

Tayao said that using the collegial approach, federative region will resolve easily the traffic and waste management problems in the country.

"We are proposing a collegial approach to integrate the local government units," he said.

The federative region will be accountable for the smaller issues and complaints that can still be fixed inside the region.

Rex Robles, Tayao's fellow ConCom member, said the problem was that, even in minor issues, a case is filed in court without realizing that it can still be resolved in the lower judiciary.

He said federalism is an option and opportunity for a better Philippines.

Another member, Prof. Eddie Alih, noted that in a federal system, corruption, drugs and criminality can be addressed more easily.

"The poor are becoming poorer every day. In fact, 74 percent out of 100 families are poor and could hardly eat three times a day. Imagine where we are and what we are today," Alih said.

Political dynasties are one of the reasons government had become stagnant, he said.

Alih challenged the Senate to pass a law banning political dynasties. (With reports from Larnie L. Bacalando/PIT Intern)

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Title Annotation:Provincial
Publication:Manila Bulletin
Date:Jun 18, 2018
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