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Collecting: Old money, new money.

Almost one and a half centuries separate these two examples of British currency in the news this week. Above, the 2004 pounds 5 commemorative coin, newly minted and on sale at most banks and post offices in the country as a souvenir of a special historical occasion to commemorate 100 years of the Entente Cordiale between Britain and France. Below is a Bank of England pounds 200 note issued 1858, and of extreme rarity. The only printed note of this value to come to auction in recent times, it was sold for pounds 4,113 at Bonhams' New Bond Street despite its tattered appearance.
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:The Birmingham Post (England)
Date:Mar 27, 2004
Previous Article:Collecting: Collecting diary.
Next Article:Home & Gardens: Nuts and bolts: how to remove blockages to keep your drains free-flowing.

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