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Cloud-based back-up 'could save Welsh firms cash and time'.

BUSINESSES using traditional tape back-ups rather than cloud-based alternatives could unknowingly have a major gap in their disaster recovery plans, according to latest research. IT service provider Icomm Technologies said that 73% of SMEs in Wales use tapes to back-up data.

The firm said that tapes, which are increasingly being replaced by cloudbased storage, are more prone to failure and are more subject to human error than newer systems. The research also showed that 90% of SMEs using tapes never ran a test back-up, while 26% were over-capacity meaning not all their data is being protected.

Icomm's Ian Callens said: "The words 'disaster recovery' usually conjure up images of fire, theft and terrorism but a simple server failure is much more likely and can be just as disruptive.

"Some research even shows that as many as 93% of businesses that suffer a major data loss will go bankrupt within a year.

"Our new findings suggest that many businesses would not only lose data but also face delays of several days to restore their back-ups if they had an IT failure."

The Icomm data also shows that Wales-based SMEs that use tape back-up could be wasting as much as 61 hours a year on managing their back-up systems.

Mr Callens said: "Our estimates suggest that Wales businesses could save PS2,500 a year over a three year period by switching to a cloud-based back up system and cutting down on wasted admin time."
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Title Annotation:Business
Publication:Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Mar 27, 2013
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