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Civic pride of consort Ben-at 12.

A STOKESLEY student has been rewarded for his hard work and dedication after playing a key part in civic duties in Hambleton.

Ben Walker, 12, has for the past year been accompanying the chairman of Hambleton Council, Bridget Fortune, as her official junior consort.

The first year Stokesley School student undertook the work as part of a citizenship initiative and supported the chairman at several civic engagements.

These included the Olympic Torch relay and the Hambleton Sports Awards.

Councillor Fortune said: "Ben is an exceptionally well mannered young man and made a wonderful junior consort for me.

"I think it is marvellous that young people accept responsibility for their citizenship programme and am pleased that citizenship is a big part of Stokesley School."

In recognition of his work, Ben received an engraved glass memento and a copy of a book recording the Olympic Torch relay's visit to Hambleton.


AWARD: Junior consort and Stokesley School student Ben Walker, 12, with Councillor Bridget Fortune, chairman of Hambleton Council, whom he accompanied to civic events
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Publication:Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England)
Date:Apr 17, 2013
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