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City congestion charge may not cut pollution.

IT was recently reported that Cardiff council is considering turning the city centre into a congestion charge zone.

The proposal comes after the Welsh Government told the council it had to tackle air pollution in the city. The problem with this idea is that we don't know that setting up congestion charge zones in cities actually improves air quality.

Scientists from universities in Lancaster, Wisconsin and Norway recently presented a report which suggested the opposite. Their research shows that London's congestion charge - introduced 15 years ago - has actually increased diesel pollution by a fifth. This is because of the increased traffic from diesel-powered buses and taxis.

So, according to the scientists, Londoners are now at a higher risk of severe lung and respiratory problems than they were before.

Cardiff council will have to look very carefully at the emissions coming from its fleet of buses, and from the city's licensed taxis, if they are seriously contemplating bringing in a congestion charge.

Gareth Bennett AM Ukip Assembly Member for South Wales Central

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Publication:Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:Apr 21, 2018
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