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Chinese trees coated in frozen fog glisten with hard rime.

JILIN CITY, China,, Safar 12, 1437, November 24, 2015, SPA -- The onset of winter weather in northeastern China covered a row of street-side trees in hard rime, frozen fog that crystallizes on contact with solid objects, UPI reported.

Dashboard camera footage taken Sunday by a man named Mr. Wang along a Jilin Province street near the Songhua River shows the trees covered in frozen fog that solidified into hard rime upon contact with the trees.

The trees line both sides of the road and sparkle as the camera travels down the path.

The hard rime-covered trees are considered a tourist draw in the region and hundreds of people visit each year to drive down the roads lined with glistening trees.


00:55 LOCAL TIME 21:55 GMT

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Publication:Saudi Press Agency (SPA)
Date:Nov 23, 2015
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