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Cash for carers on offer.

Stockton carers have been urged to access millions of pounds in unclaimed benefits.

The George Hardwick Foundation, which runs the Stockton Carers' Centre, estimates that pounds 6m is available for the thousands of carers in the borough.

One in eight adults in Britain looks after a relative, neighbour or friend and their dedication saves the economy pounds 57bn a year.

But because so many regard it as a labour of love they do not get the help they could.

So far the foundation has helped carers access three quarters of a million pounds in unclaimed benefits.

Foundation manager Andy McMann said: "One problem is that people do not think of themselves as carers and do not realise that they could be entitled to benefits such as Carers Allowance, as well as Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance for the person they look after."

He added: "The forms are difficult to fill in which is why we have independent advice workers to tell carers about the financial help available and help them apply."

For more information call 01642 739955.
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Title Annotation:News Local
Publication:Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England)
Date:Dec 12, 2005
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