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Carwyn in TUC blast; NEWS IN BRIEF.

FIRST Minister Carwyn Jones will today accuse the UK Government of "deriding and demonising" the public sector workforce.

He will tell delegates at the Wales TUC annual conference: "Contrary to the UK Government, we will not deride and demonise our public service workforce.

"In Wales we recognise that the public service workforce is our greatest public service asset.

"Only in Wales will we be facing the challenges together and only in Wales are we finding socially progressive answers that save jobs and protect services.

"It is about how we can best protect our public service workforce in Wales from UK Government austerity. Improving workforce mobility as service demands change, preventing redundancies and responding to need."
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Publication:South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales)
Article Type:Conference notes
Geographic Code:4EUUK
Date:May 24, 2012
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