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Carel Library Learner Quiz Pack for Secondary Schools.

This online resource contains 33 interactive quizzes for secondary schools. The user-friendly interface allows pupils to select a quiz from the options available in the pack--there is a good range of themes and subjects including Library Skills & the Internet, Books & Authors, British and World History; also quizzes on General Knowledge such as Capitals, Space and Animals.

There are different levels of ability in some themes such as general knowledge, so this Quiz Pack is suitable for a wide range of secondary pupils, particularly (but certainly not exclusively) Key Stage 3. Our pupils participate in quizzes on the library iPads (they work really well in this format) and this enables pupils to compete against each other to see who can obtain the highest scores in a quiz. It doesn't take long to complete each quiz, usually under 5 minutes, so this ensures that the activity fits neatly into a lesson.

The format of quizzes can vary, with some being the standard multiple choice options:

There are also 'drag and drop' style questions, and the 'draw a line' format:

These different question styles help to maintain interest; there's no fuss if a pupil answers incorrectly, and the answers are revealed after two attempts. A final score is awarded at the end of each quiz, and the library learner pack comes with tools that allow the librarian/teacher to see student activity live in their admin area, and also to look back at students' scores to see the themes where they might improve. The librarian/teacher can also print certificates, these tools are all available in the admin area.

Carel will add more quizzes in the future--and hopefully it will be possible for librarians to create a quiz and to send their questions to them. They currently offer a week's free trial of this Quiz Pack--it's worth mentioning that there is also a Primary School version of the Quiz Pack which was reviewed in the Spring 2019 edition of The School Librarian.

Indeed, the secondary version is broadly similar to the original version but with some small changes to language and images. There are also two extra quizzes: one on Climate Change, the other on the European Union; here's a link to a trial of the former:

Overall, I rate the Library Learner Quiz Pack for Secondary Schools as a quality learning resource for the school library at an affordable price, which requires no installation! The thinking behind the quizzes is to teach library skills in an interactive way that makes learning more like a game and which also gives immediate feedback to students so that skills are reinforced.

Cathal Coyle, Librarian, St. Patrick's College Dungannon

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Title Annotation:DIGITAL;
Publication:School Librarian
Date:Jun 22, 2019
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