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Browse Cagney, Tamara

1-16 out of 16 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Cannabis Makes Maintaining a Drug-Free Workplace a Challenge. Apr 1, 2023 2117
Confusing Cannabis Laws Impact the Workplace & EAPs. Jan 1, 2022 2044
Cannabis in the Workplace: A Continually Changing and Complicated Issue. Apr 1, 2020 1665
CBD Use Increasing Even Though it's Not Authorized. Apr 1, 2020 612
DIY Genetic Testing: Opportunity for EAPs. Jan 1, 2020 2563
More Changes in the Works for DOT SAPs. Oct 1, 2019 1476
Attitudes, Laws Concerning Cannabis Evolving Rapidly. Apr 1, 2019 2201
How to respond to a subpoena for SAP records. Apr 1, 2017 1320
The shifting landscape of medical marijuana. Jul 1, 2016 2002
Focus on recovery. Cover story Oct 1, 2015 1525
There are many roads to recovery. Jan 1, 2014 1305
SAP and SAP. Jan 1, 2013 1501
Supervisor and manager training: thinking outside the box. Jul 1, 2012 1367
The policy-practice gap: although consultation and training related to supervisory referrals are very important aspects of what EAPs have to offer, supervisors have never fully embraced this concept, and many EAPs have abandoned it. Jul 1, 2006 1864
Why don't supervisors refer? Jan 1, 2006 710
Using recovery agreements: although some EA professionals oppose requiring an employee to use an EAP, agreements to this effect can provide a structured opportunity to improve a worker's performance. Sep 1, 2004 2084

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