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Browse Cagle, Philip T.

1-7 out of 7 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Forging into the Future: Archives Continues to Grow. Jun 1, 2016 724
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine: Pioneering Spirit Continues After 90 Years. Feb 1, 2016 521
Ninety Years of Supporting the Practice of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: Archives Celebrates Milestone Anniversary. Jan 1, 2016 1391
The new American Cancer Society lung cancer screening guidelines and the role of the pathologist. Editorial Apr 1, 2013 550
Evolving frontlines in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary diseases. Dec 1, 2012 877
The transformation of pathology: proceedings of the Houston Lung Symposium. Oct 1, 2012 956
Pathologists as leaders, innovators, and devoted physicians: special section on pathology in resource-poor nations. Feb 1, 2011 405

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