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Browse Cagan, Dennis

1-11 out of 11 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
The Mushroom Board: Don't Be Kept in the Dark. Jun 22, 2021 155
The dark side of board characters': there are directors who are out of synch with everyone else, to the point of disrupting the proceedings and causing damage to the board's collaborative culture. Jan 1, 2016 610
What you won't find in a director search matrix: my own top five list of the most needed--yet least identified--qualities for an outstanding board director. Dec 1, 2015 2091
Welcome aboard to your youngster' on the board. Jan 1, 2015 2152
What to ask a prospective board member: And ... what you are most likely to be asked by them. Keep in mind that qualifications and suitability are two very different considerations. Mar 22, 2014 1674
How to have a great board meeting: the tone, content, and conduct of this meeting are critical to the level of governance and ultimate value of having a board. Yet outside of the board's inner circle, few people know what typically goes on in one, much less how to organize and effectively conduct a board meeting. Column Dec 22, 2013 2753
Company to director: 'you're fired!': most seasoned CEOs, chairmen, or private company owners don't hesitate to fire an employee who simply does not fit, yet they can be hesitant to ask a director to step down. Making such a move is fraught with sensitive considerations and requires great finesse. Mar 22, 2013 1085
Director firings: war stories. Personal account Mar 22, 2013 1039
The ABCs of forming an advisory board: some CEOs and company owners don't think they need any outside advice, but most do. An advisory board can make a business leader look very smart when used effectively. Dec 22, 2012 2037
Finding directors for smaller and early-stage company: don't be shy in your recruiting efforts. This can be a fun and educational experience. Mar 22, 2012 1600
A big catch. Mar 22, 2012 211

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