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Browse Cafopoulos, Catherine

1-8 out of 8 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Maria Zervou: Ileana Tounta Contemporary Art Centre. Mar 1, 2008 528
Christiana Soulou: Galerie 3. Critical essay Nov 1, 2006 528
"The Gesture": Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art. Mar 1, 2006 508
"Outlook": various venues. Apr 1, 2004 532
DeAnna Maganias. (Reviews). Brief Article Jun 22, 2002 420
"THRILOS 2001". Brief Article Apr 1, 2001 605
"METRO: NEW TRENDS IN CONTEMPORARY GREEK ART 1999". Brief Article Dec 1, 1999 625
Philip Tsiaras. Mar 1, 1994 531

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