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Browse Cadbury, Vivian C.

1-73 out of 73 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Preface. Jan 1, 2015 2217
Acknowledgements. Jan 1, 2015 1339
Introduction: recipe for writing. Jan 1, 2015 900
Chapter 1: Cooking up communication. Report Jan 1, 2015 6531
Chapter 2: Recipe for reading. Report Jan 1, 2015 7713
Chapter 3: Getting started with the writing process. Report Jan 1, 2015 6552
Chapter 4: Developing your ideas. Report Jan 1, 2015 7665
Chapter 5: Planning and revising your writing. Report Jan 1, 2015 6107
Chapter 6: Working with paragraphs and transitions. Report Jan 1, 2015 8207
Chapter 7: Writing introductions and conclusions. Report Jan 1, 2015 8004
Chapter 8: Improving sentence fluency. Report Jan 1, 2015 6675
Chapter 9: Revising word choice. Report Jan 1, 2015 6158
Chapter 10: Finding your voice. Report Jan 1, 2015 7954
Chapter 11: telling a story. Report Jan 1, 2015 8129
Chapter 12: Working with descriptive details. Report Jan 1, 2015 5282
Chapter 13: Compare and contrast. Report Jan 1, 2015 7432
Chapter 14: Process--analysis, narrative, recipe. Report Jan 1, 2015 5890
Chapter 15: Example, definition, cause and effect. Brief article Jan 1, 2015 6171
Chapter 16: Persuasive writing. Report Jan 1, 2015 11722
Chapter 17: Analysis-writing about literature. Report Jan 1, 2015 10520
Chapter 18: An introduction to research I--finding and evaluating your sources. Report Jan 1, 2015 4981
Chapter 19: An introduction to research II--using and citing your sources. Report Jan 1, 2015 7618
Chapter 20: Reviewing the parts of speech. Report Jan 1, 2015 3779
Chapter 21: Understanding sentence basics. Report Jan 1, 2015 4924
Chapter 22: Fixing sentence fragments. Report Jan 1, 2015 3838
Chapter 23: Run-on sentences and comma splices. Report Jan 1, 2015 4528
Chapter 24: Subject-verb agreement. Brief article Jan 1, 2015 5133
Chapter 25: More about verbs. Report Jan 1, 2015 6342
Chapter 26: Pronouns and point of view. Report Jan 1, 2015 4703
Chapter 27: Adjectives, adverbs, and other modifiers. Brief article Jan 1, 2015 2709
Chapter 28: Maintaining parallelism. Report Jan 1, 2015 2237
Chapter 29: Editing and proofreading the final draft. Report Jan 1, 2015 4981
Chapter 30: Punctuation I--end marks, capitalization, apostrophes, abbreviations, numerals, italics, underlining, and quotation marks. Report Jan 1, 2015 4609
Chapter 31: Punctuation II--commas, colons, semicolons, parentheses, brackets, hyphens, dashes, and slashes. Report Jan 1, 2015 4415
Appendix A: spelling of selected culinary terms. Glossary Jan 1, 2015 520
Appendix B: commonly misused words. List Jan 1, 2015 3341
Appendix C: types of writing. Jan 1, 2015 6526
Appendix D: annotated research paper. Jan 1, 2015 3129
Introduction: recipe for writing. Work overview Jan 1, 2008 954
Chapter 1 Cooking up communication. Jan 1, 2008 3662
Chapter 2 The writing process. Jan 1, 2008 5340
Chapter 3 The shape of writing. Jan 1, 2008 4369
Chapter 4 Telling a story. Jan 1, 2008 5229
Chapter 5 Working with descriptive details. Jan 1, 2008 4528
Chapter 6 Using examples. Jan 1, 2008 3477
Chapter 7 Compare and contrast. Jan 1, 2008 5988
Chapter 12 Process analysis. Jan 1, 2008 3353
Chapter 13 Cause and effect. Jan 1, 2008 3408
Chapter 14 Persuasive writing. Jan 1, 2008 4480
Chapter 15 Writing about literature and film. Jan 1, 2008 5867
Chapter 16 An introduction to research I: finding and evaluating your sources. Jan 1, 2008 4422
Chapter 17 An introduction to research II using and citing your sources. Jan 1, 2008 6218
Chapter 18 Reviewing the parts of speech. Jan 1, 2008 3950
Chapter 19 The structure of a sentence. Jan 1, 2008 4309
Chapter 20 Sentence fragments. Jan 1, 2008 3595
Chapter 21 Run-on sentences and comma splices. Jan 1, 2008 4236
Chapter 22 Subject-verb agreement. Jan 1, 2008 4707
Chapter 23 More about verbs. Jan 1, 2008 4651
Chapter 24: Pronouns and point of view. Jan 1, 2008 3771
Chapter 25 Modifiers. Jan 1, 2008 2554
Chapter 26 Understanding parallel structure. Jan 1, 2008 2089
Chapter 27 Punctuation I: end marks, capitalization, apostrophes, and quotation marks. Jan 1, 2008 3076
Chapter 28 Punctuation II: commas, colons, and semicolons. Jan 1, 2008 3237
Chapter 29 Punctuation III: abbreviations, numerals, italics, underlining, parentheses, brackets, hyphens, dashes. Jan 1, 2008 1919
Chapter 30 Proofreading the final draft. Jan 1, 2008 2320
Chapter 31 English as a second language. Jan 1, 2008 8903
Appendix I Commonly mispelled words. Appendix Jan 1, 2008 360
Appendix II Spelling of selected culinary terms. Appendix Jan 1, 2008 507
Appendix III Commonly misued words. Appendix Jan 1, 2008 3400
Appendix IV Basics of business writing. Appendix Jan 1, 2008 3409
Appendix V Creating persuasive menu. Appendix Jan 1, 2008 1045
Appendix VII A taste for reading. Appendix Jan 1, 2008 6348
Glossary of terms. Glossary Jan 1, 2008 4045

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