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Browse Cacuci, Dan Gabriel

1-6 out of 6 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
The Second-Order Features Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Response-Coupled Forward/Adjoint Linear Systems (2nd-FASAM-L): Mathematical Framework and Illustrative Application to an Energy System. May 1, 2024 22971
Computation of High-Order Sensitivities of Model Responses to Model Parameters—I: Underlying Motivation and Current Methods. Sep 1, 2023 17379
Computation of High-Order Sensitivities of Model Responses to Model Parameters—II: Introducing the Second-Order Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis Methodology for Computing Response Sensitivities to Functions/Features of Parameters. Sep 1, 2023 24757
Sensitivity Analysis, Uncertainty Quantification and Predictive Modeling of Nuclear Energy Systems. Sep 1, 2022 3731
Advances in High-Order Sensitivity Analysis for Uncertainty Quantification and Reduction in Nuclear Energy Systems. Sep 1, 2022 3536
Overview of Arbitrarily High-Order Adjoint Sensitivity and Uncertainty Quantification Methodology for Large-Scale Systems. Sep 1, 2022 22759

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