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Browse C.W.

1-10 out of 10 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Heat spurs growth of tiny carbon trees. Brief Article Mar 25, 2000 182
Air knocks the wind out of nanotubes. Brief Article Mar 25, 2000 167
Sensor sniffs out spoiled fish. Brief Article Mar 25, 2000 138
Glowing bacteria gobble gook in soil. Brief Article Feb 19, 2000 331
Don't eat the pepper-flavored paint. Brief Article Feb 19, 2000 228
Small-scale glues stick to surfaces. Brief Article Jan 1, 2000 329
Impurity clouds from all sides now. Brief Article Jan 1, 2000 244
Paper or plastic? New test has the answer. Brief Article Mar 20, 1999 291
Liquid crystal emits polarized light. Brief Article Mar 13, 1999 284
Light hardens bone-like polymer. Brief Article Mar 13, 1999 236

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