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Bylaws, resolutions & conference rule.


New text is in red, proposed deletions are [begin strikethrough]lined out[end strikethrough] and notes are in green.

ARTICLE IV -- Membership

6. Federal Services Membership.

a. Federal Services membership shall be granted to only those dental assistants who obtain membership through one of the United States Federal Services branches having a contractual relationship with the ADAA.

b. A Federal Services member may be on active military duty or a civilian who is currently employed by a branch of the United States Federal Services as a dental assistant.

c. Federal Services members may have the privilege of serving as a delegate to the ADAA House of Delegates, serving on the Board of Trustees as the [begin strikethrough]elected[end strikethrough] appointed Trustee of the Federal Services Membership Classification, and serving as members of councils*

[begin strikethrough]i. Federal Services members are eligible to serve as an elected or appointed officer of this Association.[end strikethrough]

d. Federal Services members are eligible to serve as an elected or appointed officers of this Association*

[begin strikethrough]d.[end strikethrough] e. Federal Services members shall not be required to pay State or Local dues.

[begin strikethrough]e.[end strikethrough] f. Federal Services members shall receive the official publication of the ADAA, The Dental Assistant Journal.

ARTICLE VIII - Trustee Districts and Trustees

Section 2. Trustees.

A. Number.

1. There shall be twelve (12) State District Trustees, one (1) from each trustee district.

2. There shall be two (2) Federal Services District Trustees[begin strikethrough].[end strikethrough], one from the Army, and one from the Air Force*

B. Eligibility.

1. A State District Trustee shall be a legal resident of the district which he/she represents. A State District Trustee shall be an active, life or special member and shall have served as a member of an ADAA committee or council or as an officer of a State Association.

2. The Federal Services District Trustees [begin strikethrough]shall be a non-commissioned-officer[end strikethrough] should be the senior ranking enlisted member, and will represent[begin strikethrough]ing[end strikethrough] ADAA members from their respective United States Federal Services membership classification.

C. Nomination. In accordance with the ADAA Manual of Procedures, the Nominating Sub-Committee shall present a slate of one (1) or more qualified candidates for each district trustee position to be filled. The report of the sub-committee shall be presented to the House of Delegates at the Annual Conference of the established election year. Additional nominations maybe made from the floor of the House of Delegates by a delegate from the district in which the nominee is a member. No name may be placed in nomination without the written consent of the nominee.

D. Election. Election may be by ballot during the Annual Conference of the established election year, and a majority vote of the trustee's district shall elect.

1. When only one nominee is presented to be elected for the office of district trustee, the voting members of the district by unanimous consent may authorize the chair to effect the election by declaring the nominee elected by acclamation.

2. If there are more than two candidates for an office and one candidate does not receive a majority on the first ballot, the two (2) names receiving the highest number of votes shall be reported to the ADAA Secretary to be placed on the ballot for election by the district.

3. If an election results in no candidate elected with a majority vote after the second ballot, then the office shall be declared vacant and a trustee shall be appointed by the President after consultation with the Executive Committee and the state presidents of that district. The appointment shall be made within thirty (30) days of the declared vacancy.

The appointed trustee shall assume his/her duties immediately upon accepting the appointment.

E. Term of Office. [begin strikethrough]The term of office for a District Trustee may be three (3) years or until a successor assumes office. Elected Trustees shall assume their duties on the same date as the elected officers. No Trustee shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.[end strikethrough]

1. The term of office for a State District Trustee maybe three (3) years or until a successor assumes office. Elected Trustees shall assume their duties on the same date as the elected officers. No State Trustee shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.

2. Federal Service Trustees may serve until a successor assumes their position within each respective branch of service.

F. Duties.

1. The State District Trustee shall serve as a member of the Board of Trustees and act as advisor and liaison person to the State Associations and Local Organizations within the district. State District Trustees shall perform the duties as may be prescribed by these Bylaws, the ADAA Manual of Procedures, and the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.

2. The Federal Services District Trustees shall serve as a member of the Board of Trustees and act as advisor and liaison [begin strikethrough]person[end strikethrough] to [begin strikethrough]all the[end strikethrough] their respective branches of [begin strikethrough]the United States Federal S[end strikethrough] service[begin strikethrough]s membership classification[end strikethrough]. [begin strikethrough]The[end strikethrough] Federal Services District Trustees shall perform the duties as [begin strikethrough]may be[end strikethrough] prescribed by these Bylaws, the ADAA Manual of Procedures, and the parliamentary authority adopted by the Association.

G. Vacancies. In the event of a vacancy in the office of State District Trustee, the President, after consultation with the Executive Committee and the state presidents of the district shall appoint a qualified member within the district to serve as a trustee for the unexpired portion of the three-year (3--year) term. The appointment shall be made within thirty (30) days of the declared vacancy. [begin strikethrough]In the event of a vacancy in the office of the Federal District Trustee, the President, after consultation with the Executive Committee shall appoint a qualified member within the district to serve as a trustee for the unexpired portion of the three-year (3-year) term.[end strikethrough]

Note: The officers that serve do so as part of their job description. They are appointed by their head of command, the position would never be vacant, and the continuity is to our advantage.

H. Removal for Cause. The Board of Trustees, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all its voting members, may remove any District Trustee from office for just cause. A District Trustee may also be removed for just cause by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the delegates from his/her district.


Whereas, Proper diagnosis of conditions causing discoloration in patient dentition by a licensed dentist is necessary to determine which treatment and post-operative care is indicated; and

Whereas, Tooth whitening is a non-reversible procedure, and activating lights and tooth whitening chemicals can cause pulpal and gingival injury without proper supervision; therefore be it

Resolved, That The American Dental Assistants Association believes that tooth whitening procedures performed outside of a dental facility utilizing prescription strength chemicals and external mechanical aids have the potential to create irreversible damage to the tissue and dentition of consumers; and be it further

Resolved, That irreversible treatment of dentition should be delegated only to properly trained individuals within a dental office setting.

Propose to rescind existing resolution: V. A. Certification (1980)


Whereas, Certification gives evidence of entry level competence in dental assisting; therefore be it

Resolved, That the American Dental Assistants Association encourage all non-certified dental assistants to become certified, and that the ADAA take all necessary measures to aid such non-certified dental assistants to become certified. (HOD 1980)

Rationale to rescind: Dental assisting is a career, not a steppingstone. For states with no educational requirements, credentialing goes above and beyond "competence." Competence indicates a basic ability to perform the task; but doesn't measure proficiency or knowledge.

Proposed new resolution


Whereas, Many state dental boards have recognized that education and training are necessary for the delivery of quality dental care; and

Whereas, Access to oral care depends upon highly trained and skilled dental health care professionals; and

Whereas, Credentialing indicates a higher level of proficiency in obtained knowledge and training in dental assisting; therefore, be it

Resolved, That the American Dental Assistants Association take the necessary measures to aid all non-credentialed dental assistants to become credentialed.

Rationale: Credentialing will address various levels recognized by many state boards and dental professionals, including, but not limited to licensure, certification, expanded functions and registration.


On behalf of the Council on Governance, Bylaws Subcommittee, I move that all references to "Annual Conference" in the ADAA Bylaws be amended to read "Annual Session"

Rationale: ADAA is meeting in conjunction with the ADA. ADA refers to their annual meeting as "Annual Session." For continuity in marketing, advertising and recognition, ADA has requested that the ADAA change the name of the annual meeting to "Annual Session." Definitions for information only

Session - a meeting or series of meetings of a body for the transaction of business; a meeting or period devoted to a particular activity.

Conference - a meeting for formal discussion or exchange of opinions; a formal meeting at which people confer.


Rules on Attendees of the ADAA Annual Conference

1. No individual shall take part in the proceedings of the Annual Conference until the individual has registered and secured an official conference badge. Badges must be visible at all business and educational functions.

2. No person, group, or company may sell merchandise or materials unless duly registered with the ADAA as an exhibitor.


1. Individuals attending business and educational Conferences must register prior to admittance.

2. The Officers, the Board of Trustees and all delegates and alternates must present the official conference badge in order to receive a credential card for balloting, official ribbons and be allowed to serve in official ADAA Governance functions.

Rules on Credentials Subcommittee

The Credential Subcommittee shall report at the beginning of the First House of Delegates the number of credentialed delegates, alternates, voting members of the Board of Trustees, and registered members, and shall make a supplementary report at each House of Delegates.

Rules on Conference Meetings

1. The House of Delegates of the American Dental Assistants Association shall consist of.'

a. credentialed delegates elected by the state associations or the membership of geographical areas with no state associations or (in their place) credentialed alternates;

b. the credentialed voting members of the Board of Trustees; and

c. credentialed Federal District Section delegates.

2. Trustees shall be seated together with their credentialed delegates in a reserved area. Officers shall be seated at the dais.

a. Delegates must physically present their credentials prior to being granted a seat on the floor of the House of Delegates.

3. One student delegate (without voting privilege) from each state may be seated on the floor with their respective state delegation.

4. All motions and amendments made from the floor shall be presented in writing on an official form to the presiding officer.

S. Debate on any question shall be limited to two (2) minutes for each speaker. The timekeeper shall indicate to each speaker a thirty (30) second warning before expiration of time allowed. No speaker shall speak more than once on the same question until all have spoken.

6. The right to speak maybe granted to any individual who is not a member of the House of Delegates by the Chair or by a majority vote of the House of Delegates.

7. Materials pertaining to elections shall be limited to credentials and position statements.

8. No recording (i.e. audio or video) of the business proceedings of the Annual Conference shall be permitted unless permission is granted by the House of Delegates.

9. Minutes of the House of Delegates are the official and exclusive record of the proceedings. Final minutes shall be made available to ADAA members upon written request to ADAA Central Office and payment of a service fee.

10. A committee to review the House of Delegates minutes shall be appointed by the President during the First House of Delegates. The committee shall function in accordance with the ADAA Manual of Procedures.

11. The Board of Trustees shall have the authority to approve the minutes of the House of Delegates after receipt of the final report of the committee to review the minutes of the House of Delegates.

12. All electronic devices (i.e. cell phones, pagers, etc.) shall be silenced during all ADAA House of Delegates proceedings. ADAA staff will keep phones and walkie-talkies on vibrate or low.

13. Roberts Rules of Order/Newly Revised (Current Edition) shall be the parliamentary authority.

14. These Conference Rules shall remain in effect for all meetings, including meetings at the next Annual Conference or special meetings of the House of Delegates, or until such a time the House of Delegates adopts new conference hales.

Rules on Delegates

1. A credentialed alternate may take the place of a credentialed delegate during any business meeting, provided the change is recorded by the Chairman of the Credentials Subcommittee. This change must be verified by the District Trustee or the State President.

2. Any delegate wishing the floor shall approach the designated microphone, wait to be recognized, address the Chair, and state their name and the name of their state association and district.

a. When appropriate, the delegate should state whether they are speaking in favor of or in opposition to a question.

b. If the delegate has a possible Conflict of Interest with an issue presented before the House of Delegates, it must be disclosed at that time.

c. Delegates with a Conflict of Interest should abstain from voting on an issue related to, or affected by; that conflict.

Rules on Motions in Resolution Format

The following rules pertain only to motions in "resolution" format that have not been noticed in the delegate's handbook:

1. A resolution offered by an individual member, council, or district shall be in writing. The individuals who made and seconded the resolution must sign it. Each individual signing the resolution shall be a voting member of the House of Delegates.

2. Prior to presenting the resolution to the House of Delegates, the Chair shall be given notice of the resolution. Once notice of the resolution has been made, it shall be submitted directly to the Resolutions Reference Committee without debate. In accordance with the ADAA Manual of Procedures, the Resolutions Reference Committee shall assure that the proposed resolution is in proper format prior to transmission to the House of Delegates.

3. The hales contained within this section pertain to all new resolutions as well as motions for amending, substituting, or rescinding existing resolutions referenced in the ADAA Manual of Policies and Resolutions.

4. Once the resolution is in proper form it shall be presented to the House of Delegates for action. The Resolutions Reference Committee shall report to the House of Delegates any recommendations regarding the resolution.

Rules on Nominations and Elections

1. A voting member of the House of Delegates may nominate individuals who have not been nominated prior to March 31 of the election year from the floor of the House of Delegates. Candidates nominated from the floor must make written qualifications available to all delegates voting for this position. The voting member must inform the House of Delegates of the candidates' qualifications and shall submit these qualifications to the Secretary. All candidates shall make themselves available at the "Meet the Candidates forum" and may distribute only informational materials to the House of Delegates. Campaign material is not allowed for distribution during the ADAA Annual Conference.

2. No candidate for office shall serve as a teller or a member of the elections subcommittee.
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Title Annotation:ADAA ANNUAL SESSION; American Dental Assistant Association
Publication:The Dental Assistant
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Jul 1, 2010
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