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Bryce, Celia. Anthem for Jackson Dawes.

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Bryce, Celia. Anthem for Jackson Dawes. Bloomsbury, 2013. 240p. $16.99. 978-1-59990-975-2.

When Megan finds out that she has brain cancer, she becomes pouty and reclusive. Being one of the only two teens in the babyish British pediatric cancer unit adds to Megan's angst. Additionally, Megan's friends' empty promises of visiting her in the hospital put her in bad spirits. When Megan meets the only other teen cancer patient, Jackson, she initially shuns him, but through his persistence they become friends, and love eventually unfolds. Jackson charms his way through the hospital and into Megan's life. He has a good take on the place, sneaking and wandering the halls and floors, trying to find a place for himself outside of the babyish hospital unit. Megan eventually joins him on one of these outings, yet they never quite feel like they belong at the hospital. It is through their bond that they manage to cope and find comfort, peace, and strength to battle their illnesses.

Anthem for Jackson Dawes excels in visual imagery but lacks in character development. This cancer love story lacks character depth in ways that John Green's The Fault in Our Stars (Penguin, 2012/VOYA April 2012) does not. The young love is implied but hard to believe given Megan's attitude toward Jackson throughout the novel. It is not until the end of the book that Megan realizes her feelings for him, after it is too late. Teen readers will yearn for less angst and a more emotionally inviting main character. This novel would have been better if Jackson were the protagonist.--Julia Bowersox.

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Author:Bowersox, Julia
Publication:Voice of Youth Advocates
Article Type:Book review
Date:Feb 1, 2013
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