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Bishkek mayor's office plans to purchase fireworks for 500,000 soms.

The culture department of Bishkek mayor's office announced tender for the purchase of light and sound accompaniment, organizing fireworks, renting building structures for the stage, renting biotoilets within the Independence Day of Kyrgyzstan.

The tender announced on July 22 and will continue until August 5. It is planned to allocate 2.4 million soms.

It is planned to purchase light and sound accompaniment for 1.5 million soms, rent of structures and facilities for the stage for 430,000 soms, services of the organization of fireworks show for 500,000 soms and rent of biotoilets for 60,000 soms.

[c]AKIpress Provided by SyndiGate Media Inc. ( ).

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Publication:AKIpress Central Asian News Service
Geographic Code:9KYRG
Date:Jul 23, 2019
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