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Chris H. Hardy, PhD's DNA OF THE GODS: THE ANUNNAKI CREATION OF EVE AND THE ALIEN BATTLE FOR HUMANITY (9781591431855, $18.00) is for any interested in the work of Zecharia Sitchin, and further develops his work by showing that the 'gods' of myth are actually visitors from another world who created humans using their own DNA. Numerous sacred texts are examined for evidence supporting this contention as Hardy details how humanity was genetically engineered, and how the first female, Eve, contained more alien DNA than the earlier male Adamu. An intriguing concept: one new age readers will find refreshingly different. Bradford and Hillary Keeney's SEIKI JUTSU: THE PRACTICE OF NON-SUBTLE ENERGY MEDICINE (9781620552346, $16.95) provides a fine guide to the ancient Japanese practice for self-healing and discusses using seiki (life-force energy) for not just healing but improving creativity. This practice doesn't require expertise or years of learning: it can be incorporated into a daily practice, discussed here, and can be used to recharge the body. The result is a fine survey recommended for any new age or alternative medicine collection. Ocha'ni Lele's OSOGBO: SPEAKING TO THE SPIRITS OF MISFORTUNE (9781620550984, $16.95) discusses the Santerian spirits of misfortune and starts with the story of his goddaughter's struggle with stage IV cancer, exploring the Lucumi beliefs regarding osobgo and discussing the healing aspects of the faith. The result is a fine survey of osobgo spirituality and comes from a priest of Oya who provides fine insights into the rituals and beliefs involved, a recommendation for any new age collection.

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Publication:Internet Bookwatch
Article Type:Book review
Date:Jun 1, 2014
Previous Article:The Voodoo Doll Spellbook.
Next Article:Llewellyn Worldwide, LTD.

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