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Battle lines harden as doc riles Egypt.

The spat between Egypt and Israel over docu "Ruah Shaked" (Spirit of Shaked) hasn't let up, even after a seven-minute sequence from the film was shown on Egyptian TV channels in an attempt to clear up misperceptions.

Dispute centers on a segment in which Israeli soldiers in the elite Shaked battalion appear to confess to having killed unarmed Egyptian prisoners during the 1967 Arab-Israeli war.

Helmer Ran Edelist and producer Itay Landesberg have repeatedly denied the film makes any such admission.

But Edelist did admit to the Jerusalem Post that he had erroneously identified the dead soldiers as Egyptian, when in fact they were Palestinians fighting under the auspices of the Egyptian army.

Egyptian foreign minister Ahmed Abdul-Gheit initially said he had no intention of cutting diplomatic ties with Israel "just because of a film."

But that statement provoked a furious response from Egyptian hardliners, and Abdul-Gheit last week said he has sent a "strongly worded letter" to Israeli counterpart Tzipi Livni demanding "an immediate investigation."

Twenty Egyptian MPs are reportedly planning a $10 billion lawsuit seeking compensation from Israel on behalf of the dead soldiers' families.

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Author:Jaafar, Ali
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:7ISRA
Date:Mar 19, 2007
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