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Barley Saturday stallions draw holiday crowds into Cardigan.

VISITORS to Cardigan at the weekend may have been forgiven for thinking that the Royal Wedding celebrations were being replicated as many thousands of people lined the main streets and shopping thoroughfares of the town.

The barriers were put in place during the morning and from midday to well past 3pm, as a balmy breeze swept up the High Street and the Pendre, the cheering crowd of enthusiastic supporters greeted the winning Barley Saturday stallions as they paraded ahead of a display of farming memorabilia and more than 70 classic tractors, vintage motor cars, tradesmen's lorries, buses and motor bikes.

Near record numbers of magnificent stallions were put forward for the judging classes at the town's Penrallt-ddu fields and best was eventually given to the Section D winner, Tyngwndwn Daniel, an 11-year-old chestnut Cob bred by Huw and Lisa Reed of Cross Inn, Llanon.

This was the third big success for Daniel, superbly presented by Catrin Reed, aged 17. The stallion had previously won this championship in 2003 and 2008. One of the last stallions by the highly-acclaimed Nebo Daniel (out of Osbourn Morwena) he also took the junior supreme championship at the Royal Welsh Show in 2007.

Not to be outdone there was further success for the Reed's other daughter, 15-year-old Lowri, who exhibited the winning Section A entry commonly known as Yarno but whose full name is Coelenhage's Jarno.

This 10-year-old chestnut - also with four white legs - is presently on loan from Dutch breeder Henri Leuweenhag, who keeps a mostly Welsh breeds stud near Rotterdam.

While all this activity was taking place on the showfield, Geraint Jones, Lisa's father and owner of the Nebo stud, was judging the harness classes down at the mart ground.

Established some 140 years ago, this traditional festival brings a lot of trade into the town and, just for the day, the recession would appear to be far from the minds of an outward looking holiday crowd, not least the town Mayor Mair Morris, whose husband John is chairman of the organisingcommittee.

President Neville Thomas spoke of the generous sponsorship again received for the event and the general public who, through bucket collections among the crowd, had given generously in support of Riding for the Disabled, the St John Ambulance service, Canolfan y Don (Aberporth), the Welsh Air Ambulance and the Cardigan Oxygen Therapy Centre.
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Date:May 10, 2011
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