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Browse Babych, Art

1-13 out of 13 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
Canada's bishops sound alarm: they fear that poor would suffer most from social security reforms. Jan 20, 1995 620
Translation impasse to cost Canada big bucks. Cover story Nov 11, 1994 649
Bishop opposes premier on school plan. Sep 23, 1994 634
Former students sue order for $40 million. Sep 16, 1994 554
Bishops hear from both sides: Canadians lobby for, against women priests. Sep 9, 1994 826
Canadian bishop to be retried. Apr 15, 1994 440
Canadian bishops' social affairs head forced out. Mar 4, 1994 399
Lawsuit filed as two bishops battle for see. Feb 4, 1994 520
Reproductive technology report urges ethics. Dec 17, 1993 635
Ukrainian bishop fights to hold eparchy: he claims Vatican II rule does not apply. Biography Sep 24, 1993 627
Price of Canada scandals hits $23 million. Cover story Jul 2, 1993 509
Canadians told church is not a walled city. May 14, 1993 1031
Poll finds Canada Catholics at odds with church doctrine. Apr 30, 1993 526

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