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Browse Babwin, Don

1-20 out of 20 article(s)
Title Type Date Words
US Little League champs investigated. Feb 11, 2015 405
5 infants at Illinois day care diagnosed with measles. Feb 6, 2015 380
Trial starts in beanbag gun death. Jan 14, 2015 532
Ill. town a penny parking oasis; Good vibes pay broader dividends. Dec 27, 2014 526
Chicago hospital trains Navy doctors for battle. Sep 5, 2014 587
Slain soldier's son to get lost medal. Aug 3, 2014 900
Demoted worker shoots CEO, then kills himself. Aug 1, 2014 280
Two armed men rob passengers on Chicago train. Jul 18, 2014 206
Chicago mayor introduces tough gun store law, critics pounce. May 29, 2014 373
Drug OD claims footwork music star. Apr 28, 2014 236
Winter-weary folks: 'Get me outta here!'. Mar 1, 2014 721
Brief thaw lifts spirits and raises flooding risks. Feb 20, 2014 618
Long winter brings a salt shortage. Feb 5, 2014 682
Was Eliot Ness a hero or Hollywood-inspired myth? Jan 30, 2014 853
Deep freeze in Midwest puts the normal routines on ice; Wind chills to minus 30-40. Jan 28, 2014 638
Facing tough foe, man turns to comics. Dec 1, 2013 915
Wife: Trotter had aneurysm months before death. Nov 9, 2013 223
Dozens injured in train crash. Oct 1, 2013 542
Hip-hop artist says rappers can help reduce teen violence. Sep 23, 2013 459
Mayor inviting Illinois gay couples to have their weddings in Minnesota. Sep 5, 2013 715

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