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Always annoyed.

I've been annoyed lately by things that never really bothered me before, like the music my parents play in the car or the way my brother still calls me by my babyish nickname, is this normal?

Dear Always Annoyed,

It's all part of growing up--forming your own opinions and becoming an independent person. But the next time you're irritated, ask yourself if you're getting enough sleep or are feeling overwhelmed. When you're tired or stressed, little things tend to add up. If you're mostly annoyed at home, try to avoid acting rude, which can cause unnecessary fights and tension. Instead, be civil but honest You can simply say, "I need some time alone," or politely request a halt to whatever's bothering you. And don't forget the importance of being kind to others. What goes around comes around, and you don't want to get stuck in a vicious cycle with friends or family.

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Author:Weston, Carol
Publication:Girls' Life
Article Type:Brief article
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Jun 1, 2009
Previous Article:What if it happens tomorrow?
Next Article:No hair down there.

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