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Administrative & civil law.

In accordance with AR 27-3, commanders must ensure that Soldiers have access to preventive law services. The servicing Office of the Staff Judge Advocate is responsible for developing and delivering these services. Inevitably, the commander, the staff judge advocate, and others will have questions about the focus of the preventive law program. When questions do arise, where can duty-conscious Chiefs of Legal Assistance turn for assistance? The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) website is a great place to start. (22) As part of its mission to protect America's consumers, the FTC has developed a website that provides a wealth of information on issues such as identity theft, third party and creditor debt collection, and foreign money offers and counterfeit check scams. The FTC also publishes an annual report of the top consumer complaints. The 2009 report, published on 24 February 2010, is available at the FTC website. (23)--MAJ Oren H. McKnelly

(22) Federal Trade Commission, (last visited Mar. 17, 2010).

(23) Federal Trade Commission, FTC Issues Report of 2009 Top Consumer Complaints (Feb. 24, 2010),
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Title Annotation:New Developments
Author:McKnelly, Oren H.
Publication:Army Lawyer
Date:Feb 1, 2010
Previous Article:Criminal law.
Next Article:Searching for reasonableness - the Supreme Court revisits the Fourth Amendment.

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