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A shower to leave you in a dry sweat; a mother's day LAURA KEMP.

Are you pregnant and beside yourself with excitement? If so, we can put a stop to that with a baby shower.

We at A Mother's Day can arrange the entire party from catering to clearing up so you can rest your swollen ankles as your guests pin you to the sofa to show you their scars.

Our specially trained tired-out staff - who have a variety of terrifying birth stories of their own should the ice need breaking - will treat you like a princess who hasn't a clue what she's letting herself in for.

First up, the invitations. We have a variety of stunning cards to choose from, all of which embrace the miracle of life with beautiful fonts and drawings on top quality scrap paper. But may we recommend our best-seller which is an uploaded photo of the guest-of-honour's bump, enscribed with the words "come and help me celebrate the beginning of the end of the rest of my life".

In terms of decorations, we offer a range of themes including "boy", "girl", "no idea", "in denial" and "oh my God, twins".

We have two exclusive sets of balloons, which you cannot get anywhere else: the first modelled on the lop-sided dollop of a placenta and the second in the shape of stretch-marked breasts.

Our bunting is none of that twee organic cotton stuff - ours is made from industrial hospital towels which might come in handy on your big day.

Should your guests want to bring you gifts, we offer an online "baby list" so you don't end up with duplicates. So it's goodbye to 342 0-3 size babygros and hello to proper useful presents, such as nappies, wet wipes and gin.

If you would like to give them favours, then we've got that covered too. We can provide bespoke goodie bags containing sticky tape for those who need their mouths taped up when they start talking stitches, plus condoms for child-free guests who will vow never to have any after this God-awful motherhood eye-opener.

We also stock games for baby showers including Pin The Umbilical Cord On The Baby, Have A Go On Some Gas And Air and Guess The Number Of Times The Mum-To-Be Has To Go For A Wee In The Night.

Finally, no baby shower would be complete without a cake - and we guarantee we'll take your breath away with iced designs.

We look forward to hosting your party - as our slogan says: "We'll turn your event into a total shower".

Great shower party games ... ' ... have a go on gas and air or pin the umbilical cord to the baby
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Publication:South Wales Echo (Cardiff, Wales)
Date:Apr 18, 2013
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