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2012 CCRA nominations for Hall of Fame and Distinguished Member of the Corps.

Nominations are being accepted for the 2012 Chemical Corps Regimental Association (CCRA) Hall of Fame and Distinguished Member of the Corps honors.

* Hall of Fame. This award is extended to chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear personnel (living or deceased) who spent their professional careers serving the Chemical Corps or who performed a significant act of heroism. Nominations are open to military and Department of Defense civilian personnel who have been retired from active federal service for at least 2 years. Their service to the Corps must have been extraordinary.

* Distinguished Member of the Corps. This award is extended to living or deceased members who served the Corps in their professional lives and continued to serve it in their personal lives. Nominations are limited to personnel who have been retired from active federal service (military and/or civilian) for at least 2 years. Active Army military and current (nonretired) federal civilian personnel are not eligible for the program.

For nomination criteria and submission requirements, see the CCRA Honors Programs Web site at <>. Nomination packets should be sent to:


U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear School

Regimental Historian


Fort Leonard Wood, MO 65473-8926

All packets must arrive before 5 April 2012. For more information, call (573) 563-7339 or e-mail <david.chuber> or <[email protected]>.
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Title Annotation:Chemical Corps Regimental Association
Publication:CML Army Chemical Review
Date:Dec 22, 2011
Previous Article:2011 Honorees of the U.S. Army Chemical Corps.
Next Article:2012 Regimental Week and CBRN Conference: save the date!

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