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1 Fighter Of PMF Killed, 4 Wounded In Clashes With Daesh North Of Babylon.

Babylon, Iraq (NINA) - One of the popular mobilization fighters members was killed and four others were injured in a clash between a force of the popular mobilization forces and Daesh early Tuesday as they tried to infiltrate from Amiriyat al-Fallujah to Jarf al-Sakhr north of Babylon. A source in Babylon police told the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA) that one of the PMF's fighters was martyred and four others were injured in a clash with Daesh tried to infiltrate Jarf al-Sakhr area northwest of Hilla. "The wounded were taken to hospital for treatment."/ End

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Publication:National Iraqi News Agency
Geographic Code:7IRAQ
Date:Mar 6, 2018
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