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'You need to get up and out': Judge scolds 'lonely' ex butcher for nuisance calls to police; Andrew Usher, 54, was warned he faces prison if he commits another offence of this nature.

Byline: Samuel Jones

A "repeat A&E attender" with alcohol issues has been scolded by a judge after plaguing police with four calls in just two hours.

"Lonely" former butcher Andrew Usher faced the wrath of district judge Kristina Harrison who told him: "It strikes me you need to get up and out".

The 54-year-old was sentenced atTeesside Magistrates' Courtfor the offence of sending a false message "to cause annoyance, inconvenience or anxiety".

Usher had called police four times in a couple of hours on December 8, 2018, but when they arrived he admitted he was "ringing for attention", the Crown Prosecution Service told Teesside Live.

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The judge opted to impose a community order, adding: "In my view, if you commit another offence of this nature on this order, you will go to prison".

A probation worker told the court that the offence was linked to a drinking problem.

She said Usher believed his behaviour was justified "due to his loneliness", adding that he has a "history of contact with mental health services [and] he's a repeat attender to accident and emergency".

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The court was told in mitigation that "alcohol is the issue".

The judge imposed a 12 month community order for the offence.

Usher, of Barbara Mann Court,Hartlepool,must also pay a victim surcharge of [pounds sterling]85 and [pounds sterling]40 in costs.

As the defendant was leaving the courtroom he said: "I'm ever so sorry".

The judge replied: "Yes, well just don't do it again".


Credit: Teesside Live

Andrew Usher leaves Teesside Magistrates' Court

Credit: Teesside Live

Andrew Usher leaving Teesside Magistrates' Court

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Publication:Evening Gazette (Middlesbrough, England)
Date:Jan 14, 2019
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