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'Weekend school' was 1950s justice; FROM THE ARCHIVES.

Byline: Rebekah Oruye

Crime Files has delved into the archives of the West Midlands Police Museum which has a collection of equipment, photographs and stories charting the development of the police.

This week we look at the methods used in decades gone by to help wayward children get back on the straight-and-narrow.

SATURDAY mornings were no walk in the park for youngsters who fell foul of the justice system in the mid-1900s.

After the Children and Young Persons Act was passed in 1933, judges were given the power to send criminally-minded youths to Approved Schools or Attendance Centres.

The former were custodial and were used as corrective facilities for teenagers who had committed more serious offences. The centres were places young people would go to once a week - usually on Saturdays - to take part in activities and lessons.

Most of the young people would have been found guilty of offences for which an adult may have been imprisoned.

For two or three hours each week, attendees were given lessons on basic skills like literacy and numeracy and made aware of how citizens were expected to behave.

The West Midlands Police Museum has the original register kept by the Bilston Attendance Centre in the 1950s.

Inside, two pages were given to each young person, detailing their crime, home life and general remarks following sessions at the centre.

The crimes committed by the teenagers may have been reported in the press, but by law, the youngsters would have been given anonymity due to their ages.

One 14-year-old called Geoffrey was sentenced to 12 hours at the centre after he stole goods worth pounds 6.56 from a shop.

He was one of seven siblings and was described as "coming from a good home" because his father worked and he lived in a house with a TV.

"He has ample pocket money and goes to the pictures twice a week. He does not attend church or Sunday school," wrote the police officer who filed Geoffrey's report.

Geoffrey went to the Bilston building between 10am and noon on Saturdays and would have been among 30 children under the supervision of a police superintendent, inspector, sergeant and a police constable.

The report said his first hour each weekend was spent participating in physical training followed by lessons on behaviour and citizenship. A report by the superintendent said he was always punctual, welldressed and clean. He put this down to the advantage of a good home.

Geoffrey's report was in stark contrast to that of another Black Country teenager called Eric.

This 14-year-old was arrested and charged with stealing lead from a school roof. Like Geoffrey, he had no previous convictions but the report concluded the youngster had a troublesome home life. It stated he came from a "very poor home", was raised by his mum, his dad was a jailbird and he had been witness to "serious domestic trouble for many years". The reports placed a significant emphasis on the physical condition of each child. Eric was described as "filthy". He'd arrived at the centre in dirty clothes and old pumps. But, as the weeks went on, his reports said: "It was a joy to see his personal appearance and cleanliness improved."

An optimistic final statement from the superintendent was left for both of the boys, saying they had the potential to get back on the straight and narrow.


Doing it by the book: The Bilston attendance centre record book kept by West Midlands Police Museum curator Dave Cross, inset.
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Title Annotation:Features
Publication:Birmingham Mail (England)
Date:Jun 24, 2010
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