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'Overwatch' Lucio PTR Breakdown: Aura, Boop And Passive Changes From New Patch.

Overwatch released a new PTR patch on Friday, filled with all sorts of changes coming to the game. Ties on Assault maps will now be decided by who had the point the longest. There's also lore in the Hero Gallery, so there's something to read while you're waiting for a game, Lastly, LAaAaAeA cio got a mini rewor

The Brazilian DJ has been the best all-around support in Overwatch since beta, providing move speed and healing for his entire team with his funky beat aura. Mercy and Zenyatta could only heal one hero at a time, but LAaAaAeA cio can make his whole team feel better without pressi any buttons. In this PTR patch, Blizzard wants to tone him down a bit, turning him from a jack of all trades, to a speedy but focused healer and support.

So what's happening to Lucio, and is it a good thing or a terrible nerf? Let's look at the ( Patch Notes and break each change down.

Sonic Amplifier

Projectile speed increased from 40 to 50

Alternate fire now considers vertical orientation when knocking targets back

Increasing missile speed is never a bad thing, especially since LAaAaAeA cio three floating discs are already some of the largest projectiles in the game. "Alternate fire now considers vertical orientation" means that if a hero you are trying to Boop is moving away from you, it will no longer affect where they land. On live, a Boop will move your enemy less if they are moving in the opposite direction. Once this change goes through, it won't matter where they run.

Here's how the new Boop compares to the old one:

You can also Boop Bastion when he is in turret form, which is pretty neato.


Song's area-of-effect radius decreased from 30 meters to 10 meters

A temporary in-game visual has been added to illustrate this radius (it is only visible to LAaAaAeA cio and his teammate

Less radius on LAaAaAeA cio's aura, boo! You won't be able to heal an enti team that's all over the place, but a concentrated strike force will still move and heal the same as on live.

Healing Song

Healing-per-second has been increased by 50% (also applies to LAaAaAeA cio Amp It Up ability)

More healing, smaller aura. Balance, the Overwatch way.

Sound Barrier

Radius decreased from 30 meters to 20 meters

Same as the aura, boo!!!!

Wall Ride

Movement speed increased by 30% when wall riding

LAaAaAeA cio now receives a burst of speed when leaping off a wa

Blizzard wants to make LAaAaAeA cio a more unique character, so the pow they took from his aura, they are putting into his passive, Wall Ride. Bad DJs (like myself) will struggle with this change, but the pro beatmasters of the Overwatch world will have no problem zooming around the map. LAaAaAeA cio can now get from the spawn point to the Payload in Eichenwal in 5.5 seconds and that's just insane.

How do you like PTR LAaAaAeA cio? Tell us in the c

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Publication:International Business Times - US ed.
Date:Mar 18, 2017
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