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'Message to lady in mall meltdown - act your age'.

I visited a stall at Marina Mall today and witnessed a very improper and rude behaviour of a woman towards a sales clerk.

I entered a stall and saw a European woman talk casually with a sales person about something. I viewed their items and liked a piece and wanted to know if they had other colours of it, so I waited for the sales woman to finish her conversation with lady and then searched for another sales person but found none.

So I politely interrupted their conversation which seemed like they were just chatting and asked if she had other colours. She turned to my attention and brought the colours available for me to see. This took merely 10 seconds.

The other lady just took a random item slammed it onto the slab and marched off. Both the sales lady and I were shocked but not just with the rudeness or ill-mannered behaviour but the fact that she appeared to be in her late 30s and had thrown a tantrum of a four-year-old!

Sweety, get over yourself, you're nothing without attention and even if you received it, it's only to entertain individuals of your babyish, spoilt brat-like attitude which no longer exists in today's world.


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Publication:7 Days (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
Date:Sep 1, 2012
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