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'Boiling' over with experience. (Profile of the Week).



Mention "Richie Mortman" in a conversation about boilers and ear will perk up. Long recognized as an expert on boiler service, installation and replacement. Mortman's name is synonymous with quality service, dependability, and good old-fashioned. know how.

"After 41 years of dealing with every aspect of a boiler you develop a keen eye for what's wrong or what's going to go wrong," claims Mortman. "No building owner or manager wants to be caught short on a below freezing winter's day unable to provide heat or hot water to hundreds of families or offices. We do our best to make sure our customers never have to face that situation."

Entering the field as an apprentice technician, 19-year-old Mortman worked diligently to learn everything there was to know about boilers. After working seven years for various boiler service companies, he founded Progressive Combustion and honed his skills as a full service mechanical contractor and consummate businessman.

In 1980, Mortman formed R.D. Mortman Co., Inc. Armed with an "A" oil burner installer's license, a prestigious commodity, he continued to build are reputation for quality customer care, unheralded competency, and reliability. Joined by brother Gary and daughter Lori, the firm expanded to become a "one-stop shop" for every aspect of boiler service.

"Most building owners and managers are more comfortable dealing with a single service company, even if the firm sub-contracts minor repair work such as tube cleaning and welding. This way they know there is a professional keeping track of die boiler's maintenance history, analyzing problems, and trouble-shooting to prevent possible breakdowns," he advises.

In 1997, after deregulation was introduced to the New York market, Keyspan purchased RD. Mortman The energy conglomerate, formerly known as Brooklyn Union Gas, was eager to get into the deregulated business by buying an established company and building from there.

With an offer he couldn't refuse, Mortman signed on the dotted line, continued with Mortman/Keyspan for an agreed upon three years, stayed an extra year, then retired. "I wanted to travel, spend time with my family' relax, and smell the roses. But, I flunked retirement I missed my business life, clients and colleagues."

Enter National Mechanical Services LLC, a 24/7 full service mechanical contracting firm. Patterned after the well-respected R.D. Mortman company, National Mechanical is still a family affair with brother Gary as general manager and son Jeff; as director of sales. "We continue to offer design-build and plan/spec installations, 24/7 burner service, local law inspections and triennial DEP renewals. "Our service department is our key advantage," says Mortman. "No one has the response time, the level of experienced technicians and the dedication to quality as we do." This has been the foundation of Mortman's well-known level of professionalism.

The process of replacing and installing a new boiler is not a simple transition. Blueprints need to be drawn, capacity requirements must be carefully analyzed, plans need to be filed, plus the removal of the old boiler, installation and start up all must be taken into consideration and carefully coordinated. National takes care of the entire package, even removes and rebuilds walls if necessary.

"Many companies, when they investigate replacing a boiler, are only concerned with the end cost and they find themselves comparing apples to oranges," according to Mortman. "Naturally, a 125-horsepower boiler will cost less than a 150-horsepower boiler. And, naturally, the building will be underserved, the tenants unhappy, and the management company inundated with complaints, if the larger capacity boiler was the necessary choice."

And let's face it, removing and installing a boiler isn't a simple job like painting an apartment or installing a new oven. It requires a great amount of planning to expedite a smooth transition. Does anyone really want to undertake a massive project like this and find that the contractor has underestimated the needs of the building in order to get the contract?

"Unfortunately, this happens quite frequently. That's why it is important to get a professional, licensed mechanical contractor, to properly assess the needs of the building and bid the job based on that criteria," warns Mortman. "If three companies bid in the vicinity of "X" amount of dollars and one company comes in significantly lower, obviously something is wrong?"

There is no magic to analyzing and preparing a bid. If a contractor bids much lower than the rest of the qualified contractors, he may have missed something, and will then try to make up the shortfall with "leave outs" or "extras." His bid should be carefully analyzed to make sure the price is based on the needs of the building, because cheaper is not always better.

Needless to say, the boiler room is not a glamorous place, but it is the hub of every building. Mortman has committed his entire professional life to the proper care and maintenance of that epicenter and the industry has benefited from his dedication and expertise. Now, with the advent of National Mechanical Services, the industry will continue to reap those benefits for years to come.
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Publication:Real Estate Weekly
Article Type:Brief Article
Geographic Code:1USA
Date:Sep 11, 2002
Previous Article:Money in place, but plans for transportation hub lag behind.
Next Article:Seedco, Alliance expanding programs for firms impacted by 9/11.

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