willful neglect

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Noun1.willful neglect - a tendency to be negligent and uncaring; "he inherited his delinquency from his father"; "his derelictions were not really intended as crimes"; "his adolescent protest consisted of willful neglect of all his responsibilities"
neglectfulness, negligence, neglect - the trait of neglecting responsibilities and lacking concern
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The data were organized around the first-listed reason for dismissal in the teacher's case file, including incompetence, failure to secure and maintain necessary educational training, willful neglect of duties, staff reduction based on the loss of students or cancellation of programs, insubordination, and any other good and sufficient cause.
'The public servants will be charged with offences including conspiracy to commit an offence of corruption, willful failure to comply with applicable procedures and guidelines relating to the management of public funds, breach of trust, willful neglect to perform official duty, abuse of office, fraudulent abuse of public property and payment from public revenue for goods not supplied,' he said.
Clearly, Judge Gregory failed in his duty to punish the parents for their willful neglect.
Despite growing support here and around the world, the Central Library lost the battle to survive in the face of willful neglect by Birmingham City Council, the unbending aspirations of Argent PLC and its opponents who shared Prince Charles' visceral dislike of its uncompromising appearance.
A taxpayer who files a delinquent tax return must pay a penalty of 5% of the tax liability per month or portion of a month, up to a maximum of 25%, unless the taxpayer can prove that the failure to file a timely return was due to reasonable cause and not due to willful neglect (Sec.
The tot's mother Rachael Martin walked free from court after being cleared of allowing her daughter's death and willful neglect.
Under HIPAA, as amended by the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, the government is required to investigate all reported situations that indicate "willful neglect" in connection with a violation.
Generally, I believe this to be an issue of complacency rather than willful neglect or lack of training.
The mother, who is of no fixed abode and cannot be named for legal reasons, admitted willful neglect, mistreatment and long abandonment of her baby between December 2006 and January 2007.