voting paper

Related to voting paper: ballot

voting paper

n (Brit) → scheda elettorale
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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I have no desire to waste my vote, so let's have an extra box on the bottom of the voting paper for `none of the above'.
Tenants have only until noon next Monday to get their voting paper to Electoral Reform ballot Services.
Stage two of the lengthy consultation over the 7,000 homes is now under way, with tenants given until noon on Monday, April 7, to return their voting paper in the pre-paid envelope.
Prior to approaching a polling booth a clerk would issue voting paper, which showed candidates names and party.
If that question was put on a voting paper, they'd probably end up getting their wages cut.
She handed it to me, saying:``I didn't trust the post,in case my voting paper didn't arrive in good time.
During casting his ballot, he exchanged the voting paper with another unofficial paper, which would legally invalidate the whole box.
Event organiser Angie Whitmore said: "The programme will include a map to help you find the entries and your voting paper to help decide the best Shepshed Scare Sheep.
It is true that the new law is difficult and complicated, but we must learn it, cast the voting paper for the success of the "Mountain List" in the Shouf-Aley district, and vote heavily for the sake of electoral victory," said Jumblatt.
It seems the only way to protest against this, is to not vote at or spoil your voting paper.