statutory order

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statutory order

(Law) a statute that applies further legislation to an existing act
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Violence against the person // 442 Motoring offences // 334 Theft and handling stolen goods // 251 Drugs // 178 Robbery // 162 Criminal damage // 107 Public order // 80 Breach of statutory order // 74 Vehicle theft / unauthorised taking // 63 Other // 53 Domestic burglary // 38 Breach of bail // 37 Fraud and forgery // 26 Non domestic burglary // 21 Racially aggravated // 21 Sexual offences // 21 Arson // 12 Breach of conditional discharge // 9 Death or injury by dangerous driving // 1
The statutory order related to organising the Convocation and the costume design has been approved by Raj Bhawan.( ANI )
In fact, apart from the guidance document issued by the State Council in 2008, the No Plastics order implemented by Jilin and Jiangsu is an administrative order rather than a statutory order. If China continues to experience lower economic growth rates in the longer run, the policy makers might have to be more selective in terms of which industries or sectors to support.
A statutory order - a form of legislation - is also required to confirm that the region will have a mayor.
But then, between the Post going to press and Friday's launch, John Spellar, Labour MP for Warley (Sandwell) and a non-voting participant in Monday's Commons meeting, decided to lodge an official objection and at least delay the WMCA statutory order receiving its full parliamentary approval.
Election of four senators from FATA could not take place because of controversial Presidential Ordinance that withdraws the Statutory Order of July 7, 1975 and 2002 Executive order which gave every FATA member of the national assembly as many votes as the number of vacant seats in FATA.
The appeal was filed by advocate Asma Jehangir last week, challenging the IHC's Jan 14, 2014 verdict that had set aside the government's statutory order of appointing television anchor and columnist Najam Sethi as acting PCB chairman.
The ban was imposed under Statutory Order 266 in July, restricting gold import for one month.
The move, introduced in a Statutory Order laid in Parliament, will come into effect from April.
Aquinas likewise insisted that in the event of a conflict between a statutory order and a fundamental principle of the natural law, a judge is bound by the divinely ordained law of nature to refuse to pass judgment on the unjust legislative order.
The G7 finance ministers and central bankers had endorsed the plan to put some statutory order into sovereign bankruptcy situations a la Argentina.
But Ratcliffe, who obtained a statutory order through his solicitor, claims that a substantial sum is still outstanding.
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