speed of light

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Related to speed of light: light year, E=mc2
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.speed of light - the speed at which light travels in a vacuumspeed of light - the speed at which light travels in a vacuum; the constancy and universality of the speed of light is recognized by defining it to be exactly 299,792,458 meters per second
constant - a number representing a quantity assumed to have a fixed value in a specified mathematical context; "the velocity of light is a constant"
speed, velocity - distance travelled per unit time
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References in classic literature ?
Then there was a wild yelp of agony and the poodle went sailing up the aisle; the yelps continued, and so did the dog; he crossed the house in front of the altar; he flew down the other aisle; he crossed before the doors; he clamored up the home-stretch; his anguish grew with his progress, till presently he was but a woolly comet moving in its orbit with the gleam and the speed of light. At last the frantic sufferer sheered from its course, and sprang into its master's lap; he flung it out of the window, and the voice of distress quickly thinned away and died in the dis- tance.
The whole composite vision was achieved with the speed of light, producing no pause in the conversation, nor interrupting his calm train of thought.
At first, he was dead of all the diseases that ever were known, and of several bran-new maladies invented with the speed of Light to meet the demand of the occasion.
Hills swelling above each other; and undulations shapely and uncouth, smooth and rugged, graceful and grotesque, thrown negligently side by side, bounded the view in each direction; while frequently, with unexpected noise, there uprose from the ground a flight of crows, who, cawing and wheeling round the nearest hills, as if uncertain of their course, suddenly poised themselves upon the wing and skimmed down the long vista of some opening valley, with the speed of light itself.
In a (https://arxiv.org/abs/1603.03312) new study , to be published in the upcoming edition of the journal Physical Review, physicists from the Perimeter Institute in Canada argue that in the early universe, the speed of light may not have been what it is now.
"The speed of light is like 319 and then loads of numbers, it's exactly the same latitude point as the tip of the great Pyramid.
Owner Hubert Pellikaan, a pharmacist by trade, says the following about this: "The black version of the watch is developed in the year of the speed of light, 2015.This is the year in which Einstein's 'spooky action at a distance' of the light has become true.
At one thousandth of the speed of light (seven hundred thousand miles an hour or one tenth of 1%) it would still take 4,000 years.
Since the TEM step travels at the speed of light towards the load, how does the current in the conducting wires keep pace with the TEM wave, if electrons cannot travel at the speed of light?
By applying the new data to the propagation equation of gravity, the team found that the speed of gravity is about 0.93 to 1.05 times the speed of light with a relative error of about 5 percent, providing the first set of strong evidence showing that gravity travels at the speed of light.
"Even if we could send something at the speed of light, it would take 12 years to get there and 12 years to send a signal back," Prof Tinney said.