sound mixer

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sound mixer

1. (Film) the person who mixes various sound sources into a composite programme
2. (Broadcasting) the person who mixes various sound sources into a composite programme
3. (Film) a piece of equipment designed for mixing sound
4. (Broadcasting) a piece of equipment designed for mixing sound
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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His father is an Emmy award - winning sound mixer for Universal Studios!
The Sound Mixer mixes the sound data generated by the PRU and the RRU to produce wet sounds for output of headphones and speakers.
Inspired by the reggae and dub sound system culture, the sound mixer has been playing roots and cultural music since 2013.
Bernard San Jose, 46, a senior administrative officer and chairman of the pastoral council, said among the missing items - worth around P250,000 - were six crowns, five chalices, a silver cross, three bronze cantero, a sacristan bell, an amplifier, a sound mixer, a DVD player, a 42-inch flat-screen television set and three microphones.
Production sound mixer Willie Burton and re-recording mixers Scott Millan and Gregg Rudloff had nothing to hide behind --there were no action sequences (unless you count a garbage truck driving down the street in Pittsburgh), no visual effects, no guns shooting, and no pre-recorded singing.
The following cases were heard at Cardiff Magistrates' Court: | Gregory Steven Curtis, 49, of Gordon Road, Roath, Cardiff, stole a sound mixer worth PS150 belonging to arts venue The Gate Community Centre, in Cardiff.
By creating Here Optimized Stages, festival attendees can act as their own personal sound mixer during the festival, listening to a performance the way they want to and ultimately allowing them to experience music in a way that's never happened before at a live event.
With a fair wind, a charitable sound mixer and a wellstocked choir behind her, Louisa fully deserved her win - although at times that duet with Rita Ora should've been renamed And I Am Yelling You.
With a fair wind, a charitable sound mixer and a well-stocked choir behind her, Louisa fully deserved her win - although at times that duet with Rita Ora should've been renamed And I Am Yelling You.
Dawes also served as the location sound mixer and sound designer.
The sound mixer can control the whole system from an iPad while he sits at the bar -- I was doing that the other night,"