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Related to sorting: Selection sort


1. A group of persons or things of the same general character; a kind. See Usage Note at kind2.
2. Character or nature: books of a subversive sort.
3. One that exemplifies the characteristics of or serves a similar function to another: "A large dinner-party ... made a sort of general introduction for her to the society of the neighbourhood" (George Eliot).
4. A person; an individual: The clerk is a decent sort.
5. Computers An operation that arranges data in a specified way: did an alphabetic sort on the columns of data.
6. Archaic A way of acting or behaving: "in this sort the simple household lived / From day to day" (William Wordsworth).
v. sort·ed, sort·ing, sorts
1. To place or arrange according to class, kind, or size; classify: sorted the books into boxes by genre. See Synonyms at arrange.
2. To separate from others: sort the wheat from the chaff.
1. To make a search or examination of a collection of things: sorted through the laundry looking for a matching sock.
2. To be or become arranged in a certain way.
Phrasal Verb:
sort out
1. To separate from others: sorted out the books to be donated to the library.
2. To clarify or resolve: She tried to sort out her problems.
3. To bring or restore to health or good condition: A good night's sleep will sort you out.
4. To reprimand or punish (someone) for a mistake or offense.
after a sort
In a haphazard or imperfect way: managed to paint the chair after a sort.
of sorts/a sort
1. Of a mediocre or inferior kind: a constitutional government of a sort.
2. Of one kind or another: knew many folktales of sorts.
out of sorts
1. Slightly ill.
2. Irritable; cross: The teacher is out of sorts this morning.
sort of Informal
Somewhat; rather: "Gambling and prostitution ... have been prohibited, but only sort of" (George F. Will).

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin sors, sort-, lot; see ser- in Indo-European roots.]

sort′a·ble adj.
sort′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


the process or operation of ordering items and data according to specific criteria(as modifier)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


In counterdrug operations, the process involved in differentiating traffic that could be involved in drug trafficking from legitimate air traffic. Initial sorting criteria are established jointly by the US Coast Guard and US Customs Service, coordinated with Department of Defense counterparts, and disseminated as required. See also counterdrug operations.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.sorting - an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterionsorting - an operation that segregates items into groups according to a specified criterion; "the bottleneck in mail delivery is the process of sorting"
operation - (computer science) data processing in which the result is completely specified by a rule (especially the processing that results from a single instruction); "it can perform millions of operations per second"
2.sorting - the basic cognitive process of arranging into classes or categories
coordination - being of coordinate importance, rank, or degree
basic cognitive process - cognitive processes involved in obtaining and storing knowledge
appraisal, assessment - the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth
ascription, attribution - assigning to a cause or source; "the attribution of lighting to an expression of God's wrath"; "he questioned the attribution of the painting to Picasso"
ascription, attribution - assigning some quality or character to a person or thing; "the attribution of language to birds"; "the ascription to me of honors I had not earned"
cross-classification, cross-division - classification according to more than one attribute at the same time; "the cross-classification of cases was done by age and sex"
subsumption - incorporating something under a more general category
3.sorting - grouping by class or kind or size
grouping - the activity of putting things together in groups
triage - sorting and allocating aid on the basis of need for or likely benefit from medical treatment or food
separation - sorting one thing from others; "the separation of wheat from chaff"; "the separation of mail by postal zones"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


A. Nclasificación f (Comput) → ordenación f
B. CPD sorting office N (Post) → sala f de batalla
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
Fact.MR has announced the addition of the "Optical Sorting Equipment Market Forecast, Trend Analysis & Competition Tracking - Global Review 2018 to 2028"report to their offering.
Summary: Fact.MR has announced the addition of the " Optical Sorting Equipment Market Forecast, Trend Analysis & Competition Tracking - Global Review 2018 to 2028"report to their offering.
With more than 110 years of combined sorting and industry experience, and over 13,740 units installed in more than 80 countries, the expertise allows the company to deliver high-performance sorting and analytical solutions to the customers.
Summary: The Waste Collection and Recycling Company (Wasco), a recycling and waste management company, has inaugurated a waste sorting in Al Ahsa, Saudi Arabia.
The first architecture is applicable to large data sets and it combines three stages of data processing: data sorting in hardware (in a Field-Programmable Gate Arrays--FPGA), merging preliminary sorted blocks in hardware (in the FPGA), and merging large subsets received from the FPGA in general-purpose software.
Although Excel has a macro recorder, the code it records for some common tasks, such as sorting, simply doesn't work.
From 2016 onwards, the Best Sorting and Odenberg legacy brands will be retired and the company will progress as a single, unified brand under Tomra Sorting Food .
While technology innovation spans a wide range of processes--from shredding through compounding and extrusion--one category that is receiving more attention and credit for growing recovery opportunities is automated sorting technology.
As the first company in the world to offer this sorting capability, Key puts a valuable new tool in the hands of potato processors worldwide.
Its huge importance has led to the development of efficient sorting algorithms on a variety of parallel architectures.
TOMRA Sorting Solutions, West Sacramento, California, USA, created through the merger of Odenberg and BEST Sorting, has in the last three months been awarded contracts totaling $18.5 million for optical sorting and peeling equipment to be installed at a new J.R.