

expressing accompaniment or association
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The most common prefixes in the language are the prefix a-, for indirect causation, ichi-, for sociative causation, (2) the reciprocal ni-and the prefix shi-, which means 'almost'.
S(a):lnstr-bez:Gen 'with-without' is the opposition exploiting the sociative and instrumental meaning of s(a):Instr 'with', e.g.
Stiegler's notion is that since grammatisation can be sociative, a-sociative, and dis-sociative, the associated milieu of memory (as individuation) determines whether it leads to a positive/dynamic or negative/negentropic outcome.
Ablative, Sociative and Instrument Markers in Urdu, Punjabi and Sindhi.
Among the most frequent additional interpretations we find the reflexive ('to V oneself'), the sociative or collective (to do something together), the frequentative/ repetitive (e.g.
Similarly, the sociative postposition todan 'with' (236) probably comes from the noun *tozan (DEDR 3563) 'companion' through a parallel contraction.
This paper offers a behavior analytic account of personality and relates this to Multiple Personality Disorder (American Psychiatric Association, 1987), now called Dis sociative Identity Disorder or DID (American Psychiatric Association, 1994).
Whereas the genitive nominal in (19a) becomes the direct object in constructions with the base verb (jesti tjesteninu i grah 'eat beans and noodles'), napricati se occurs either with a locative phrase (the locative nominal is a topic of thoughts with base verbs (see (18)), or an instrumental (sociative meaning), as in (20):
past tense PF perfective aspect POSS possessive PREP preposition REFL reflexive SELF SELF-intensifier SELF.ADN adnominal intensifier SELF.AO actor-oriented intensifier SG singular SOC sociative SUBJ subject TENSE

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